Writing an Honors Thesis Proposal

Image of Writing an Honors Thesis Proposal

Thu Feb 29 2024 12:30PM – 1:45PM | Thu Feb 29 2024

Event Description:

Presenters: Stephen Francoeur, User Experience Librarian Diana Hamilton, Director of the Writing Center This workshop will help undergraduate students prepare their proposals for honors theses. The Newman Library and the Writing Center will collaborate to discuss the kinds of sources the committee expects, how to identify and use those sources, and how to write a motivated, focused research question. Click here to register for this interactive Zoom workshop: https://baruch.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rdO6upzIsGNT9g4_C-oj2yR12Pe9dMVrz When you register, you’ll receive a confirmation email containing the meeting link. All workshop times are listed in the Eastern Time Zone. If you have any questions about how to sign up, email writing.center@baruch.cuny.edu. View our full list of workshops on our website: baruch.cuny.edu/writingcenter/events/