Entrepreneurial Lunch & Learn: Breaking the Glass and Owning your Story

Image of Entrepreneurial Lunch & Learn: Breaking the Glass and Owning your Story

Wed Sep 20 2023 12:30PM – 1:30PM | Wed Sep 20 2023

Event Description:

There is a moment for many entrepreneurs where they feel that they have reached the highest point of impact and mobility in their traditional careers and decide to venture out on their own. In this session, Michelle Cadore (Baruch Alum) one of the owners of DA SPOT NYC, the clothing brand YES I AM Inc. and member of the Mastercard Small Business Advisory Council will discuss how she stepped into her purpose by taking risks, following her dreams, and building community. Michelle will share how she uses the power of resilience and community to grow her businesses while also supporting other emerging brands in NYC. Event Location: Zoom Please use link below to register for the event: https://baruch.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpcuGrrzMsG9NoVGk3WpC3uKKLYrltylDU