Entrepreneurial Lunch & Learn: Dumplings and Dollars (Free -Zoom Event)

Image of Entrepreneurial Lunch & Learn: Dumplings and Dollars (Free -Zoom Event)

Wed Apr 10 2024 12:30PM – 1:30PM | Wed Apr 10 2024

Event Description:

If someone told you that you could create a successful business by sharing the food that you grew up on, would you believe them? In this session we will join Nadia Liu Spellman on her journey to creating the Boston based dumpling restaurant and frozen food company Dumpling Daughter. She will talk about how passion, community and family have helped her company to earn over 4 million dollars in annual sales. Register Here https://baruch.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsde2tqDwvGtXRy_LFNqR0UNjHOi1S4A2d