[Online] Parenting as a Student: a Writing Center Discussion

Image of [Online] Parenting as a Student: a Writing Center Discussion

Thu Sep 28 2023 6:30PM – 7:30PM | Thu Sep 28 2023

Event Description:

This workshop is for student writers who are also parents and parent figures at Baruch. Parenting while keeping up with class writing assignments can be a challenge. Many of us feel pulled in various directions and can struggle with the pressure to do everything “well.” The demands of caregiving, which require us to be compassionate, patient, and always available, can stifle the creativity and inspiration necessary to write. Even finding a distraction-free physical space in which to work can be difficult. During this workshop, we will discuss the challenges specific to parenting while attending college and come up with strategies to balance writing projects and raising tiny humans. Register for this interactive Zoom workshop: https://baruch.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrdOCgpzgjHd1zDFq5DeHH0gmtjP3cAxbF When you register, you’ll receive a confirmation email containing the meeting link. All workshop times are listed in the Eastern Time Zone. If you have any questions about how to sign up, email writing.center@baruch.cuny.edu.