Entrepreneurial Lunch & Learn: 5 Ways Entrepreneurship Can Help Build Your Career (Zoom Event- See Details in Description)

Image of Entrepreneurial Lunch & Learn: 5 Ways Entrepreneurship Can Help Build Your Career (Zoom Event- See Details in Description)

Wed Feb 28 2024 1:30AM – 1:30PM | Wed Feb 28 2024

Event Description:

Entrepreneurship is a very attractive and in-demand area of study for students and those looking to escape the traditional work environment. In the world of influencers and perceived overnight successes, some people miss the opportunity to develop or use their entrepreneurial skills to have an impact in their current work spaces. In this session we will have entrepreneur and professor, Glenford Patterson share his five keys to building a career using an entrepreneurial skill set. Please Register: https://baruch.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwodOmsrTkqH9DHeaZLYDzCAxmLg7BR7Yvt