Zotero Workshop --->Register here: https://forms.office.com/r/Fe2Lh9vUkk

Image of Zotero Workshop --->Register here: https://forms.office.com/r/Fe2Lh9vUkk

Thu Apr 18 2024 1:30AM – 1:30PM | Thu Apr 18 2024

Event Description:

This workshop provides a hands-on introduction to Zotero, a free open-source, bibliographic citation management tool that allows you to collect, store, and organize information as you research, and to rapidly generate citations and bibliographies with your word processor in a variety of styles as you write. You will learn to install Zotero, capture items into your personal library, generate in-text citations and bibliographies, sync to the cloud and utilize many of the software’s functions. General Note: This virtual Zotero workshop will be held online via ZOOM. After you register, the day before the event you will receive a unique link to join the session on ZOOM. This workshop is open to all students and faculty at Baruch and at the CUNY School of Professional Studies.