Entrepreneurial Lunch & Learn: Coffee, Community, and Impact (Free-Zoom Event)

Image of  Entrepreneurial Lunch & Learn: Coffee, Community, and Impact (Free-Zoom Event)

Wed Apr 24 2024 12:30PM – 1:30PM | Wed Apr 24 2024

Event Description:

The Pandemic had a major economic and community impact on small businesses across the country and the world. In this session we will have Milk and Pull Coffee Shops owners Angela Austin (Baruch Alum) and Joe Austin discuss how the power of Community Building and resilience helped their team survive, thrive and have community impact after one of the most challenging periods in history. https://baruch.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkdOiuqTIuGdGBRKah6DWCIqfBCmevRdoJ